Sunday 21 June 2009

In and out of University

Good morning.
It’s been an equally bad week for new graduates and prospective students this week.

As unemployment levels continue to rise thousands of students who have just finished finals are seriously struggling to find their first serious job.
Whilst figures suggest that record numbers of young people are seeking fewer places at universities and colleges and so it’s a double whammy of bad news for these young people.

Of all the people affected by the economic downturn, it’s this fresh batch of young people for whom we should feel particularly concerned.

Many of those graduating have significant loans and debts, they have newly found knowledge and skills for a non existent work place and, in many cases, no hope of making that first, bold move towards independence as they have no choice but to move back home with their parents.

Those wanting a place at university and not succeeding because of a shortage of places quite simply have very few places to go.

This demoralising and depressing landscape for many of our young people should be a key priority not only for our politicians but for all of us working in communities up and down the country.
My own two children are currently at university and you can sense not only their hopes and aspirations for the future being affected – you can also see them and their friends asking deep and meaningful questions about the future.

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