Sunday, 18 May 2008

The Trinity St Mary Abbots 180508

The Trinity
In the Bible

The Word of God has always been!
190 AD Clement Of Alexandria "When [John] says:
'What was from the beginning [1 John 1:1],' he touches upon the generation without beginning of the Son, who is co-equal with the Father. 'Was,' therefore, is indicative of an eternity without a beginning, just as the Word Himself, that is the Son, being one with the Father in regard to equality of substance, is eternal and uncreated. That the word always existed is signified by the saying: 'In the beginning was the Word'

In Our Prayers

Many of the Prayers since Pentecost are prayers of the Trinity
ONE God: Three persons
Bishop Tom Wright
We are called to hold firm to trinitarian monotheism in the face of neopaganism, and thus to become the people through whom the one God makes his love, holiness, healing, and justice known in his world. If the love of God is our message, the love of God must also be our breath of life. Prayer such as this can become a means to this end, equipping the renewed church to face the new God-given tasks.

In the Sacraments

Baptism - -Love of the Father, Blessing of the Son, Work of the Spirit

In Our Lives

The doctrine of the Trinity is the affirmation that self-giving is characteristic of Being, that mutuality of self-giving love belongs to God’s perfection and the self giving of God towards his creatures is possible because of the glory which the Father has with the Son in the love of the Spirit eternally
Michael Ramsey

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