Monday, 22 March 2010

St Mary Abbots 21st March 2010

The anointing of Jesus as Bethany is a fascinating story.

It is one of those rare events where John seems to have had all 3 synoptics Gospels open in front of him.

Bethany is a small town outside of Jerusalem.

It is 6 days before the Passover.

They are in the home of Lazarus - who "was dead" so that must have been an interesting conversation! Along with Judas - who would betray him. Quite a dinner party.

Mary of Bethany serves.

She pours expensive perfume over the feet of Jesus.

Judas complains - what a waste - you could have kept that for the poor!!

Two key themes

anointing - the preparation of Jesus for what is to happen and for his burial

betrayal - epitomised in the character of Judas.

Passiontide is the constant collision between the pureness of God's love and potentiality towards sin in every human person.

our baptism - the moment at which we too are anointed - links us to this great event.

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