Friday, 21 May 2010

Rediscovering Austria

After the Oberammergau Passion Play we moved swiftly into Austria for 5 days of exploration and relaxation.

We arrived in Strobl - a quaint little village not far from Salzburg sitting on the edge of a fresh water lake and surrounding by mountains.

Unfortunately, as news of 26 degrees in London permeates our rain drenched boots - the conistent lack of sunshine, dank winter-like wet ness and the swirling mists on the mountains disguise the true beauty of this extraordinary country.

Austria is stunningly beautiful. So well kept. The air is special and the water fresh.

The food is tasty - if heavy for this time of year - and the beer excellent.

Austria is a place to chill: to reconnect; to find nature.

I'll be back.

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