Monday, 30 August 2010

Bank Holiday Monday

I have nno idea where the time has gone. So much for keeping up to date with this more regularly. At least the itention is there!

It has been a really busy summer. A great holiday in the US followed by the week in Durham celebrating Celtic Christianity in the north east (a really super group this year).

Then - throughout August - I have been pretty much the priest on duty at St Mary Abbots on the High Street in W8 as colleagues have been away.

The past week, however, has been tough.

My mother's younger brother David died suddently in France and I had to hop to a small town near Poitiers to take his funeral. My first bi-lingual funeral in France and it was a very interesting and moving occasion.

Then news that Martin Warner - one of my closest friends and the new Bishop of Whitby - has been in hospital for tests following a heart attack whilst in Florence. Martin - get well soon!! We were all rooting for you.

It's the Notting Hill Carnival today - and it's one of those days when to be at the heart of things isn't always the easiest option!

So - more blogging in the autumn!!

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